Add Operator Connect BYOC Customer onboarding script

This script adds an Operator Connect service for a customer using the customers' BYOC SIP Trunk (see Creating OC Essential Customer):

A unique Proxy Set is created for each BYOC trunk according to configured custom variables:
An IP Group for the customer side is created with dial plan tag: Trunk=<MsTenantId> and pre-defined “Unsecure” or “Secure” IP Profile.
An IP Group for the Microsoft Teams Operator Connect side is created with dial plan tag: Tenant=<MsTenantId>.
If 'Carrier Registration' is configured, a rule is added to the Account Table for registration of the new customer IP Group towards the Carrier IP Group.
All numbers uploaded for the customer are added to the 'OCDialPlan' and are assigned the dial plan tag Trunk={{MsTenantId}} for SBC call leg and Tenant={{MsTenantId}} for the Teams call leg..
### Script Version OC 1.0 ###
# Adding a New BYOC OC Customer

# Customer variables:
# Carrier-ProxyAddress
# Carrier-SIPPort
# Carrier-TransportType_UDP-TCP-TLS
# Carrier-MediaSecurity_Secure-Unsecure

# in Production environment need to enable access list
#configure network
#   access-list new
#    source-ip "{{CustomVar.Carrier-ProxyAddress}}"
#    prefixLen 32
#    description "{{CustomerId}}"
#    use-specific-interface enable
#    network-interface-name "eth1"
#    activate
#  exit

configure voip
   proxy-set new
    proxy-name "{{CustomerId}}"
    proxy-enable-keep-alive using-options
    srd-name "DefaultSRD"
    sbcipv4-sip-int-name "SIPTrunk"
    proxy-ip 0
     proxy-address "{{CustomVar.Carrier-ProxyAddress}}:{{CustomVar.Carrier-SIPPort}}"
     transport-type "{{CustomVar.Carrier-TransportType_UDP-TCP-TLS}}"

   ip-group new
    name "{{CustomerId}}-c"
    proxy-set-name "{{CustomerId}}"
    srd-name "DefaultSRD"
    classify-by-proxy-set disable
    ip-profile-name "{{CustomVar.Carrier-MediaSecurity_Secure-Unsecure}}"
    call-setup-rules-set-id 5
    tags "Trunk={{MsTenantId}}"
   ip-group new
    name "{{CustomerId}}-t"
    proxy-set-name "Teams-OC"
    srd-name "DefaultSRD"
    classify-by-proxy-set disable
    ip-profile-name "Teams"
    outbound-mesg-manipulation-set 1
    always-use-source-addr enable
    call-setup-rules-set-id 4
    tags "Tenant={{MsTenantId}}"
    {{#if  SBC.EnableCAC}}    
     cac-profile "{{SBC.CacProfile}}"
    {{/if }}  

 {{#if  SBC.FlagCarrierRegistration}}  
  sip-definition account new
   account-name "{{CustomerId}}"
   served-ip-group-name "{{CustomerId}}-t"
   serving-ip-group-name "{{CustomerId}}-c"
   user-name "{{SBC.CarrierUserName}}"
   password "{{SBC.CarrierPassword}}" 
   host-name "{{SBC.CarrierHostName}}"
   contact-user "{{SBC.CarrierMainLine}}"
   register reg
   application-type sbc
 {{/if }}

do write

Edit script and configure the following as required:

Firewall rules: Change the last rule to “Block” once you aligned everything according to your implementation
Quality of Experience settings
Classification Rules
SIP Interface and SIP Trunk source IPs
SIP Trunk Classification and Condition
Update Proxy Set addresses for "SIP Trunk"
Import Certificates (wildcard certificates for SBC can be found at Cert-Center repository). Retrieve the PFX password from the PFX Certificate Repository.
Message Manipulation: Change the value to the FQDN of the Operator Connect SBC.
Add CAC Profiles according to the customer’s needs
Add DNS IPs if required
Add local user account for Live Platform and UMP (see Adding UMP System Operator (Mandatory))
Add CAC Profiles according to the customer’s needs
Add DNS IP addresses if required.
Enable floating licenses on the SBC as required
Save and Restart the SBC