More Filters

The following additional filters can be applied:

Managed by license pool
Channel Name
Device Family Types
Product Types
Link Types:
Control IP: Defines a valid IP address on which SIP control messages are originated.
FQDN: Available only when the source device is a Skype for Business device. The FQDN of the selected source and destination devices.
IP Group: Defines the source device IP-Group index (a list of options may be available).
Media IP: Defines a valid IP address on which SIP media messages (voice/fax) are originated. See the Note following for more information.
Media Realm: Defines the source device Media Realm index (a list of options may be available).
Media Server: not in OVOC UM
Phone Prefix: Defines the prefix text of a phone number or SIP URI string. See the Note following for more information.
Remote Media Subnet: Defines the source device Media Realm subnet index (a list of options may be available; Media Realm must also be defined).
Tenant: Defines a Tenant. This parameter must be configured on the SBC as well . The value is obtained from the SIP message (header data) using Message Manipulation rules with the call variable Var.Call.Src|Dst.TenantId. It can be included in the CDR by CDR customization using the SBC CDR Format table. The field is applicable only to SBC signaling ("CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types). The maximum number of characters for Syslog tabular alignment is 71.
Trunk Group: Defines a Trunk Group, i.e., a logical group of physical trunks and channels each of which can include multiple trunks and ranges of channels. A Trunk Group needs to be configured and assigned with telephone numbers to enable and activate the channels of the device. After configuring a Trunk Group, you can use it for routing incoming IP calls to the Tel side, which is represented by a specific Trunk Group (ID). You can also use Trunk Groups for routing Tel calls to the IP side
Service Type:
Compliance Recording
Direct Routing
Operator Connect