Automatic Update Parameters

The automatic update parameters are described in the following table.

Auxiliary file upload through TFTP is not supported in HA mode.

Automatic Update of Software and Configuration Files Parameters



General Automatic Update Parameters

configure system > automatic-update > aupd-interface


Assigns an IP Interface (in the IP Interfaces table - see Configuring IP Network Interfaces) for the Auto-Update mechanism.

By default, the device uses the IPv4 OAMP interface.

For more information, see Assigning IP Interface for Auto-Update Mechanism.

configure system > automatic-update > update-firmware


Enables the Automatic Update mechanism for the cmp file.

[0] = (Default) The Automatic Update mechanism doesn't apply to the cmp file.
[1] = The Automatic Update mechanism includes the cmp file.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

configure system > automatic-update > update-frequency-sec


Defines the periodic interval (in seconds) between each automatic update. The count starts from a trigger for auto-update with the provisioning server.

The valid value range is 0 to 604,800. The default is 0 (i.e., disabled).


For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.
This feature can't work with the feature that specifies a specific time of day for automatic updates. Therefore, if you configure this parameter to any value other than 0, leave the [AutoUpdatePredefinedTime] parameter at its default value (i.e., undefined).

configure system > automatic-update > predefined-time


Defines the time of day at which the device performs automatic updates.

The format syntax of the parameter is 'hh:mm', where hh denotes the hour and mm the minutes. The value must be enclosed by a single quotation mark (e.g., '20:18'). The default is undefined (i.e., disabled).


For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.
By default, the actual update time is randomized by five minutes to reduce the load on the Web servers. To change this randomized time, use the [AutoUpdatePredefinedRandomTime] parameter.
This feature can't work with the feature that specifies a periodic interval for automatic updates. Therefore, if you configure this parameter to any value other than default, leave the [AutoUpdateFreqencySeconds] parameter at its default value (i.e., disabled).

configure system > automatic-update > predefined-random-time


Defines the maximum randomization interval (in seconds) for the daily scheduled automatic update (configured by the [AutoUpdatePredefinedTime] parameter). For example, if you configure the [AutoUpdatePredefinedTime] parameter to ‘13:00’ (i.e., 1 pm) and [AutoUpdatePredefinedRandomTime] to ‘300’ (i.e., 5 min.), the actual update can start anywhere between the time 13:00 and 13:05.

The valid value range 60 to 86400. The default is 300.

Note: The parameter is applicable only to the [AutoUpdatePredefinedTime] parameter.

configure system > automatic-update > max-transfer-time


Defines the file transfer timeout (minutes) for downloading a file from the provisioning server for automatic updates. If the download hasn't finished when this timeout expires, the device stops its attempt to download the file and continues to the next file in the Auto-Update file download queue.

The valid value range is 1 to 5. The default is 5.

configure system > automatic-update > aupd-graceful-shutdown


Enables the device to gracefully lock for the Automatic Update feature when updating the ini configuration file. When the file is downloaded from the provisioning server, the device gracefully locks. During this graceful period (configured by the [AdminStateLockControl] ini file parameter), no new calls are accepted. If all existing calls end before the timeout expires, the device locks and applies the settings of the file. If there are still existing calls when the timeout expires, the device terminates them and applies the settings of the file. For more information, see Applying Downloaded ini File after Graceful Timeout.

[0] = (Default) Disable
[1] = Enable

configure system > automatic-update > http-user-agent


Defines the information that is included in the HTTP User-Agent header in HTTP Get requests sent by the device to the provisioning server for the Automatic Update mechanism.

The valid value is a string of up to 511 characters. The information can include any user-defined string or the following case-sensitive, string variable tags (placeholders):

<NAME>: Replaced with the product name (according to the License Key).
<MAC>: Replaced with the device's MAC address.
<VER>: Replaced with the currently installed software version.
<CONF>: Replaced with the configuration version (configured by the [INIFileVersion] parameter or CLI command configuration-version).

The device automatically populates these variables with actual values in the sent User-Agent header. If not configured (default), the device sends the following information in the User-Agent header:

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; AudioCodes; <product name>;<software version>;<MAC address>;<configuration version>)

For example, if you configure the parameter to AupdHttpUserAgent = MyWorld-<NAME>;<VER>(<MAC>), the device sends the following User-Agent header:

User-Agent: MyWorld-Mediant;7.40A.500.966; 00:90:8f:5b:10:35;0


The variable tags are case-sensitive.
If you configure the parameter with the <CONF> variable tag, you must restart the device with a save-to-flash for your settings to take effect.
The tags can be defined in any order.
The tags must be defined adjacent to one another (i.e., no spaces).

configure system > automatic-update > auto-firmware


Defines the filename and path (URL) to the provisioning server from where the software file (.cmp) can be downloaded, based on timestamp for the Automatic Updated mechanism.

The valid value is an IP address in dotted-decimal notation or an FQDN.

configure system > automatic-update > aupd-verify-cert


Enables the Automatic Update mechanism to verify the TLS certificate received from the provisioning server when the connection is HTTPS.

[0] = Disable (default)
[1] = Enables TLS certificate verification when the connection with the provisioning server is based on HTTPS. The device verifies the authentication of the certificate received from the provisioning server. The device authenticates the certificate against its trusted root certificate store (see Configuring TLS Certificates) and if ok, allows communication with the provisioning server. If authentication fails, the device denies communication (i.e., handshake fails).

configure system > automatic-update > credentials


Defines the username and password for digest (MD5 cryptographic hashing) and basic access authentication with the HTTP server on which the files to download are located for the Automatic Update feature.

The valid value is a string of up to 128 characters. The syntax is 'username:password' (e.g., 'joe:1234'). By default, no value is defined.

Note: The device only uses the username and password configured by this parameter if no username and password has been configured for the parameter used to configure the URL of the server with the name of the file, for example, [CmpFileURL].

configure system > automatic-update > crc-check regular


Enables the device to perform cyclic redundancy checks (CRC) on downloaded configuration files during the Automatic Update process. The CRC checks whether the content (raw data) of the downloaded file is different to the content of the previously downloaded file from the previous Automatic Update process. The device compares the CRC check value (code) result with the check value of the previously downloaded file. If the check values are identical, it indicates that the file has no new configuration settings, and the device discards the file. If the check values are different, the device installs the downloaded file and applies the new configuration settings.

[0] = (Default) Disable - the device doesn't perform CRC and installs the downloaded file regardless.
[1] = Enable CRC for the entire file, including line order (i.e., same text must be on the same lines). If there are differences between the files, the device installs the downloaded file. If there are no differences, the device discards the newly downloaded file.
[2] = Enable CRC for individual lines only. Same as option [1], except that the CRC ignores the order of lines (i.e., same text can be on different lines).

configure system > automatic-update > tftp-block-size


Defines the size of the TFTP data blocks (packets) when downloading a file from a TFTP server for the Automatic Update mechanism. This is in accordance to RFC 2348. TFTP block size is the physical packet size (in bytes) that a network can transmit. When configured to a value higher than the default (512 bytes), but lower than the client network’s Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), the file download speed can be significantly increased.

The valid value is 512 to 8192. The default is 512.


A higher value doesn't necessarily mean better performance.
The block size should be small enough to avoid IP fragmentation in the client network (i.e., below MTU).
This feature is applicable only to TFTP servers that support this option.

configure system > automatic-update > default-configuration-package-password <password>

Defines the password used to protect (encrypt) the Configuration Package file when it's uploaded to the device using the Automatic Update feature (see the configuration-pkg command below). If the file is not password-protected, then ignore this command.

Note: The password configured by this command is also used for protecting (encrypting) the Configuration Package file when downloading it from the device through SFTP.


Invokes an immediate device restart. This option can be used to activate offline (i.e., not on-the-fly) parameters that are loaded using the [IniFileUrl] parameter.

[0] = (Default) The immediate restart mechanism is disabled.
[1] = The device immediately restarts after an ini file with the parameter set to 1 is loaded.

Note: If you use the parameter in an ini file for periodic automatic provisioning with non-HTTP (e.g., TFTP) and without CRC, the device restarts upon every file download.

Software and Configuration File URL Path for Automatic Update Parameters

configure system > automatic-update > firmware


Defines the name of the cmp file and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password (username:password) for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

Example syntax:

'https://<username>:<password>@<IP address>/<file name>'


When the parameter is configured, the device always uploads the cmp file after it restarts.
The cmp file is validated before it's saved to flash. The checksum of the cmp file is also compared to the previously saved checksum to avoid unnecessary restarts.
The maximum length of the URL address is 255 characters.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > ini-file


Defines the name of the ini file (configuration) and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server where the file is located. Parameters that are not included in the ini file are restored to default settings. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

Example syntax:

'https://<username>:<password>@<IP address>/<filename>'


For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.
When using HTTP or HTTPS, the date and time of the ini file are validated. Only more recently dated ini files are loaded.
The case-sensitive string "<MAC>" can be used in the URL path and filename, which is automatically replaced with the device's MAC address. This option allows the loading of specific configurations for specific devices. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
The maximum length of the URL address is 99 characters.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').
If you want the device to upload an ini file where parameters not included in the file remain at their current settings (i.e., incremental), then use the [IncrementalIniFileURL] parameter instead.

configure system > automatic-update > incremental-ini-file


Defines the name of the incremental ini file (configuration) and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server where the file is located. Parameters that are not included in the ini file remain at their current settings. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

Example syntax:



'https://<username>:<password>@<IP address>/<filename>'


When using HTTP or HTTPS, the date and time of the ini file are validated. Only more recently dated ini files are loaded.
The case-sensitive string "<MAC>" can be used in the URL path and filename, which is automatically replaced with the device's MAC address. This option allows the loading of specific configurations for specific devices. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
The maximum length of the URL address is 99 characters.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').
If you want the device to upload an ini file where parameters not included in the file are restored to default settings (i.e., not incremental), then use the [IniFileURL] parameter instead.

configure system > automatic-update > cli-script <URL>


Defines the URL of the server where the CLI Script file containing the device's configuration is located. This file is used for automatic provisioning. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

Note: The case-sensitive string, "<MAC>" can be used in the URL path and filename, which is automatically replaced with the device's MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.

configure system > automatic-update > startup-script <URL>


Defines the URL address of the server where the CLI Startup Script file containing the device's configuration is located. This file is used for automatic provisioning. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.


You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > configuration-pkg


Defines the name of the Configuration Package file (.7z) and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

For example:

ConfPackageURL = ''

For more information on the Configuration Package file, see Downloading and Uploading the Configuration Package File.


If the file is password-protected (encrypted), define the password using the CLI command default-configuration-package-password.
You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > prerecorded-tones


Defines the name of the Prerecorded Tones (PRT) file and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

Example syntax:



The maximum length of the URL address is 99 characters.
You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > call-progress-tones


Defines the name of the Call Progress Tone (CPT) file and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

Example syntax:



The maximum length of the URL address is 99 characters.
You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > voice-prompts


Defines the name of the Voice Prompts file and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server on which the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

Example syntax:



The maximum length of the URL address is 99 characters.
You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > dial-plan


Defines the name of the Dial Plan file (.csv) and the URL address of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<filename>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.


You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > tls-root-cert


Defines the name of the TLS trusted root certificate file and the URL address of the server where the file is located (e.g., tftp:// Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.


The parameter replaces all previous loaded trusted root certificate files with the new file.
For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').
You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.

configure system > automatic-update > tls-root-cert-incr


Defines the name of the TLS trusted root certificate file and the URL address of the server where the file is located (e.g., tftp:// Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured. The parameter adds the file to any existing trusted root certificate file (i.e., incremental file upload).


For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.
You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...')

configure system > automatic-update > tls-cert


Defines the name of the TLS certificate file and the URL address of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.


For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.
You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > tls-private-key


Defines the URL address of the server on which the TLS private key file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.


You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > gw-user-info


Defines the name of the Gateway User Information file and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured. For example:


Note: You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.

configure system > automatic-update > sbc-user-info


Defines the name of the SBC User Information file and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured. For example:



You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > user-info


Defines the name of the User Information file and the URL address (IP address or FQDN) of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<file name>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

The maximum length of the URL address is 99 characters.

Example syntax:



The parameter is used for backward compatibility only. Use the [SBCUserInfoFileUrl] parameter (above) instead.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > feature-key


Defines the name of the License Key file and the URL address of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<filename>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.


You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > template-url


Defines the URL address in the File Template for automatic updates, of the provisioning server where the files to download are located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<filename>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.

For more information, see File Template for Automatic Provisioning.


You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').

configure system > automatic-update > template-files-list


Defines the list of file types in the File Template for automatic updates, to download from the provisioning server.

For more information, see File Template for Automatic Provisioning.

configure system > automatic-update > web-favicon


Defines the name of the favicon image file and the URL address of the server where the file is located. This is used for the Automatic Update feature.

For more information, see Customizing the Favicon.


You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').


configure system > automatic-update > sbc-wizard

Defines the name of the SBC Wizard configuration template file and the URL address of the server where the file is located. Optionally, the username and password ('https://username:password@<filename>') for access authentication with the server can also be configured.


You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').


Defines a configuration table as a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file and the URL address of the server where the file is located.

The filename must include the name of the configuration table, for example:

MatrixCsvFileUrl = ''

You can also include in the filename the string variable tag "MAC" (case-sensitive), which the device automatically replaces with its MAC address, for example:

MatrixCsvFileUrl = '<MAC>_IPGroup.cvs'


The parameter is applicable only to tables that support importing CSV files (e.g., Dial Plan table and SBC User Information table).
The filename extension must be ".csv".
You can use the placeholder string "<MAC>" (case-sensitive) in the URL path and filename, which the device replaces with its MAC address. For more information, see MAC Address Placeholder in Configuration File Name.
When using the ini file, the value must be enclosed by single quotation marks ('...').


Determines if the URLs configured for the [CmpFileURL] and [IniFileURL] parameters are deleted when you restart the device with a save to flash through the Web interface.

[0] = The URLs remain defined for the parameters.
[1] = (Default) The URLs are deleted (as the device assumes that you want to manually configure it instead of using the Automatic Update mechanism).

Note: If you have configured a URL for the [IniFileURL] parameter, the default value of the Web interface's 'Save to Flash' field changes to No instead of Yes (see Restarting the Device). This is to make sure that you don't unintentionally save configuration to flash when you restart the device through the Web interface.