Auxiliary and Configuration File Name Parameters

The table below lists the parameters associated with the Auxiliary files. For more information on Auxiliary files, see Loading Auxiliary Files.

Auxiliary and Configuration File Parameters



General Parameters


Determines if all the device's parameters are set to their defaults before processing the updated ini file.

[0] = Disable - parameters not included in the downloaded ini file are not returned to default settings (i.e., retain their current settings).
[1] = Enable (default).

Note: The parameter is applicable only for automatic HTTP update or Web ini file upload (not applicable if the ini file is loaded using BootP).


Determines if the device's configuration (parameters and files) is saved to flash (non-volatile memory).

[0] = Configuration isn't saved to flash memory.
[1] = (Default) Configuration is saved to flash memory.

Auxiliary Filename Parameters

'Call Progress Tones File'


Defines the name of the file containing the Call Progress Tones definitions.

For the ini file, the name must be enclosed by a single quotation mark (e.g., 'cpt_us.dat').

For more information on how to create and upload this file, refer to the document DConvert Utility User's Guide.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

'Prerecorded Tones File'


Defines the name of the file containing the Prerecorded Tones.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

'Dial Plan'


Defines the Dial Plan name (up to 11-character strings) per trunk.

For the ini file, the name must be enclosed by a single quotation mark (e.g., 'dial_plan_2.dat').

Note: The x in the ini file parameter name denotes the trunk number, where 0 is Trunk 1.

'Dial Plan File'


Defines the name of the Dial Plan file.

For the ini file, the name must be enclosed by a single quotation mark (e.g., 'dial_plan.dat').

Note: This parameter is used only for backward compatibility. For loading (importing) Dial Plan files, use the Dial Plan table instead (see Importing Dial Plans).


Defines the name of the file containing the User Information data.

For the ini file, the name must be enclosed by a single quotation mark (e.g., 'userinfo_us.dat').

Note: The parameter is only used for backward compatibility.