General ini File Formatting Rules

The ini file must adhere to the following formatting rules:

The ini file name must not include hyphens "-" or spaces; if necessary, use an underscore "_" instead.
Lines beginning with a semi-colon ";" are ignored. These can be used for adding remarks in the ini file.
A carriage return (i.e., Enter) must be done at the end of each line.
The number of spaces before and after the equals sign "=" is irrelevant.
Subsection names for grouping parameters are optional.
If there is a syntax error in the parameter name, the value is ignored.
Syntax errors in the parameter's value can cause unexpected errors (parameters may be set to the incorrect values).
Parameter string values that denote file names (e.g., CallProgressTonesFileName) must be enclosed with inverted commas, e.g., CallProgressTonesFileName = 'cpt_usa.dat'.
The parameter name is not case-sensitive.
The parameter value is not case-sensitive, except for coder names.
The ini file must end with at least one carriage return.