HTTP-based Services

The HTTP-based service parameters are described in the table below.

HTTP-based Service Parameters



'Quality Status'

configure system > http-services > routing-qos-status


Enables QoS-based routing by the routing server. The device collects QoS metrics (media and signaling) and sends them to the routing server.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable

For more information, see Configuring QoS-Based Routing by Routing Server.

'Quality Status Rate'

configure system > http-services > routing-qos-status-rate


Defines the rate (in sec) at which the device sends QoS reports to the routing server.

The valid range is 15-3600. The default is 60.

For more information, see Configuring QoS-Based Routing by Routing Server.

'Topology Status'

configure system > http-services > routing-server-group-status


Enables the reporting of the device's topology status (using the REST TopologyStatus API command) to remote HTTP hosts.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable

For more information, see Configuring Remote Web Services

'Routing Server Registration Status'

configure system > http-services > routing-server-registration-status


Enables the synchronization of the device's registration database (using the REST registrationStatus API command) with remote HTTP hosts.

[0] Disable (default)
[1] Enable

For more information, see Configuring Remote Web Services

Remote Monitoring

For more information, see Remote Monitoring of Device behind NAT.

'Remote Monitoring'

configure system > http-services > remote-monitoring


Enables the device to send monitoring reports to a remote monitoring server when the device is located behind NAT.

[0] = Disable (default)
[1] = Enable

'Reporting Period'

configure system > http-services > remote-monitor-reporting-period


Defines the time interval (in seconds) between each remote monitoring report that is sent to the monitoring server.

The valid value is 30 to 65535. The default is 300.

'Device Status'

configure system > http-services > remote-monitor-status


Enables the device to send a remote monitoring report of its status to the monitoring server.

[0] = Disable (default)
[1] = Enable

'Active Alarms'

configure system > http-services > remote-monitor-alarms


Enables the device to send a remote monitoring report of currently active alarms to the monitoring server.

[0] = Disable (default)
[1] = Enable

'Performance Indicators'

configure system > http-services > remote-monitor-kpi


Enables the device to send a remote monitoring report of performance monitoring statistics to the monitoring server.

[0] = Disable (default)
[1] = Enable

'Registration Status'

configure system > http-services > remote-monitor-registration


Enables the device to send a remote monitoring report of users registered with the device to the monitoring server.

[0] = Disable (default)
[1] = Enable

Automatic Provisioning (see Configuring Web Service for Automatic Provisioning)

'Enabled' check box

configure system > provision > enable


Enables the provisioning feature.

[0] = (Default) Disables automatic provisioning.
[1] = Enables automatic provisioning.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

'Retry Interval'

configure system > provision > retry-interval


Defines the time (in seconds) between each sent HTTP request that failed.

The valid value is 10 to 360. The default is 30.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

'Max Retries'

configure system > provision > max-retries


Defines the maximum number of attempts to send the request before provisioning is considered a failure.

The valid value is 1 to 10. The default is 3.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

'Server URL'

configure system > provision > server-url


Defines the provisioning server's URL path where the requests must be sent.

The valid value is a string. By default, no value is defined.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

'Server Username'

configure system > provision > server-username


Defines the username for authentication with the server.

The valid value is a string. By default, no value is defined.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

'Server Password'

configure system > provision > server-password


Defines the password for authentication with the server.

The valid value is a string. By default, no value is defined.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.