Inserting New Table Rows

Some tables (e.g., the Firewall table in Configuring Firewall Rules) allow you to insert a new row anywhere in the table, using the table's Insert button. Unlike the table's New button, which by default, adds the row at the next available index number (see Adding New Table Rows), inserting a row allows you to add the row anywhere in the table.

To insert a new row:
1. Click the 'Index' column header so that the table rows are sorted in ascending or descending order; the Insert button on the table's toolbar becomes available.
2. Select an existing row in the table before which you want to insert the new row.
3. On the table's toolbar, click the Insert button; a dialog box appears, displaying the parameters belonging to the table.
4. Configure the parameters as desired, and then click Apply; the row is added to the table before the row that you selected in Step 2. The new row adopts the index number of the selected row, and the index numbers of all the subsequent rows are incremented by one. For example, inserting a new row at index 2 shifts the existing row at index 2 to index 3, the previous index 3 to index 4, and so on.
5. If the Save button on the Web interfaces toolbar is surrounded by a red border (see figure below), save your settings to flash memory. If you don't save to flash, your configuration is discarded after the device restarts (without a save to flash) or powers off.