Media Cluster Secured Connectivity

Up until Software Version 7.40A.100, connectivity between the Signaling Component and the Media Components for the management of the Media Components was non-secured (TCP). However, from Version 7.40A.100, this connectivity can be secured (TLS), using the [TpncpEncryptionEnable] parameter.

During the upgrade process, the Media Components are re-connected to the Signaling Component according to the settings of the [TpncpEncryptionEnable] parameter - secured if not set or set to 1 (default); non-secured if set to 0. Therefore, by default (parameter not configured), connectivity is changed to secured after you upgrade the media cluster to Version 7.40A.100 or later (i.e., recommended and default connectivity mode).

If you need to downgrade the media cluster from Version 7.40A.100 or later to a version earlier than 7.40A.100, do the following:

1. On the Signaling Component, configure the [TpncpEncryptionEnable] parameter to 0 (disable).
2. Restart the Signaling Component (which restarts the entire media cluster).
3. After all Media Components are connected non-securely (without TLS) to the Signaling Component, downgrade the Media Components.
4. Downgrade the Signaling Component.