Automatic Configuration based on SRD

To facilitate configuration and eliminate possible flaws in configuration due to invalid associations between configuration entities, the Web interface automatically configures configuration entities based on SRD:

If you delete an SRD (in the SRDs table) that is associated with other configuration entities in other tables, the device automatically deletes the associated table rows. For example, if you delete an SRD that is associated with a Proxy Set, the device automatically deletes the Proxy Set.
If you associate an SRD with a configuration entity in another table (i.e., other than the SRDs table), the device automatically configures certain parameters of the configuration entity according to the SRD or associated SRD. For example, if you add a rule in the IP-to-IP Routing table and you select a Routing Policy, the 'Source IP Group' and 'Destination IP Group' parameters list only IP Groups that re associated with the SRD to which the Routing Policy is assigned (and IP Groups belonging to a Shared SRD, if exists).
If your configuration setup includes only a single SRD, the device automatically selects the SRD when adding related configuration entities. For example, when adding an IP Group, the single SRD is automatically selected in the Add Row dialog box.