SIPREC with Avaya Equipment

The device's SIP-based media recording can interwork with Avaya equipment. The Universal Call Identifier (UCID) is Avaya's proprietary call identifier used to correlate call records between different systems and identifies sessions. Avaya generates this in outgoing calls. If the device receives a SIP INVITE from Avaya, it adds the UCID value, received in the User-to-User SIP header to the AudioCodes proprietary tag in the XML metadata of the SIP INVITE that it sends to the recording server. For example, if the received SIP header is:

User-to-User: 00FA080019001038F725B3;encoding=hex

the device includes the following in the XML metadata:

xml metadata:
<ac:AvayaUCID xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:Avaya"> FA080019001038F725B3</ac:AvayaUCID>

For calls sent from the device to Avaya equipment, the device can generate the Avaya UCID, if required. To configure this support, use the following parameters:

'UUI Format' in the IP Groups table - enables Avaya support.
'Network Node ID' - defines the Network Node Identifier of the device for Avaya UCID.