Configuring Proxy and Registration Parameters

The Proxy & Registration page allows you to configure the Proxy server and registration parameters. For a description of the parameters appearing on this page, see Configuration Parameters Reference. To configure Proxy servers (Proxy Sets), see Configuring Proxy Sets.

To view the registration status of endpoints with a SIP Registrar/Proxy server, see Viewing Registration Status.

To configure the Proxy and registration parameters:
1. Open the Proxy & Registration page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > SIP Definitions folder > Proxy & Registration).
2. Configure the parameters as required.
3. Click Apply.
To register or un-register the device to a Proxy/Registrar:
Click the Register button to register.
Click Un-Register button to un-register.

Instead of registering the entire device, you can register specific entities as listed below by using the Register button located on the page in which these entities are configured:

Trunk Groups - Trunk Groups table (see Configuring Trunk Groups)
Accounts - Accounts table (see Configuring Registration Accounts)