Filtering Tables in Web Interface by SRD

When your configuration includes multiple SRDs, you can filter tables in the Web interface by SRD. The filter is configured in the SRD Filter drop-down list, located on the Web interface's toolbar, as shown below.

The filter is applied throughout the Web GUI. When you select an SRD for filtering, the Web interface displays only table rows associated with the filtered SRD. When you add a new row to a table, the filtered SRD is automatically selected as the associated SRD. For example, if you filter the Web display by SRD "Comp-A" and you then add a new Proxy Set, the Proxy Set is automatically associated with this SRD (i.e., the 'SRD' parameter is set to "Comp-A"). All other parameters in the dialog box are also automatically set to values associated with the filtered SRD.

The SRD filter also affects display of number of configured rows and invalid rows by status icons on table items in the Navigation tree. The status icons only display information relating to the filtered SRD.

SRD filtering is especially useful in multi-tenant setups where multiple SRDs may be configured. In such a setup, SRD filtering eliminates configuration clutter by "hiding" SRDs that are irrelevant to the current configuration and facilitates configuration by automatically associating the filtered SRD, and other configuration elements associated with the filtered SRD, wherever applicable.